Robertson County
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How do I submit a Help Desk ticket?


One the left hand side of the screen there is a Submit a ticket link. Click on that and fill in the blanks. The lines with a red asterisk * are required.

Please explain the issue as thoroughly as possible.

You can attach and pictures or documents using the Attachments section. Please note that the photos cannot be in high resolution due to disk space.

There is a SPAM prevention section. Please answer the questions to be able to submit.

Once you click on Submit Ticket we will be notified and it will get assigned or rejected.

Please see the attached tutorial if you have any questions.

How-to-fill-out-a-help-desk-ticket-for-911-Help-Desk.pdf How-to-fill-out-a-help-desk-ticket-for-911-Help-Desk.pdf

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Article details
Article ID: 6
Category: General Information
Date added: 2014-06-10 11:55:38
Views: 363
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (31)

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