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Common Omnixx errors.


I cannot log in to Omnixx - Error 1400: 'User or other parameter not found'

The user name you type does not match any name in the Omnixx database - Maybe it was :

·  Typo?

·  A name that works somewhere else?

·  Part of the name incorrect? ( JSmith instead of SmithJ )

You may need to call Tech Support to verify your User ID

I cannot log in to Omnixx - Error 1402: 'Invalid User ID or Password'

The password entered does not match the one stored for you in Omnixx. Maybe it was :

·  Typo?

·  Previous password

·  A password that works somewhere else?

Try typing into Notepad first, then copy and paste. If this does not work, you need to call Tech Support to reset it

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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Omnixx / NCIC
Date added: 2014-06-20 09:50:23
Views: 4489
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (31)

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